Hey guys, the title says it all.  Just the same as before, but, ah... NEW!
So, here's the prompt for discussion and such:
What kind of music do you like to write to?  Or would you rather have silence?  Which bands, which songs, inspire you?  If your writing was in a movie, what music would be on
Hey all.  I know some of you are writers (HUZZAH TO WRITERS!) and so this is the place to come and talk about just that.  Hopefully we can learn from each other and have a blast talking about something that means a lot to us.
For a starter question:  Why do you write?
It's harder to answer than it looks.


    This is where anyone can ask about anything related to writing or books at all.  I might ask you, you might ask me... but whatever it is, try to have...
    Ha!  You thought I was going to say have fun didn't you hehehe.


    April 2011
    January 2011

