Hey, it's been nearly a month!  Sorry for the lack of postings.
Today is our chorus concert and we needed black pants, so my mom got these random black jeggings for me... I never really wear jeggings/skinny jeans and it just keeps reminding me of Bondivitsky :)  Ha ha.
So, I'm really moving along now.  I'm at the part where the Trio's just allied themselves with Vivi the Alchemist... I've spent the last few days just trying to wrap my mind around ALCHEMY.  You know how in any partially-fantasy book there's a whole set of alternate-universe-laws or whatever?  They're a lot easier to read about than to write about.  But I'm working it all through and it's pretty cool.  Alchemists have a rich and colorful history if anything...
I really just want to get this first draft, PLOT being the main thing, done.  But there are so many little stories going on inside it, and I really wish I could take the time to write them all as they deserve right now... but that's what editing will be.  I have to keep my inner editor locked in the basement (well, not the basement, I actually go down there a lot)... until the editing.
Also- Ashlinn and Owen are so cute XD

5/11/2011 10:33:48 am

hey, I love alchemy! It's the only science that makes immediate sense to me: melt down various metals, then combine them in the hope of creating gold or the elxiir of life.

5/11/2011 11:34:56 am

one more thing to say: I am really, really glad owen did not end up with zoe's mom. I do not have a very high opinion of her, I think should would sell out her daughter.


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