Nooooo!  I just deleted this whole thing and now I have to start over!  That's irksome.
Okay, so I'm going  to tell you about some more characters whether you like it or not so LISTEN HERE!  Er... I mean... READ HERE!

Ashlinn Cook- Zoe's Irish au pair!  She's pretty darn awesome.  It's enjoyable to write her dialogue.  You'll meet her in the first chapter, lucky you.  Anyway, it's her job to watch Zoe and be with her when her mom can't be (which is A LOT of the time!).  Zoe describes Ashlinn as "a hybrid cross between a mother and an older sister".  Ashlinn is very creative and sometimes makes up stories rather than tell it like it is.  She can be sarcastic, but she takes her job seriously too.  If Zoe wants to keep something from Ashlinn, then she had better try very hard...

Logan Shadow- Zoe's mother!  She's so famous it might make you sick!  Just kidding!  Actually, she's a very lovable celebrity with a hectic life.  She finds it hard to set aside time for her daughter, but she does try.  Sometimes Zoe thinks she just doesn't like her, but she does, really.  She's an actress in all the biggest, best movies and a few TV series.  Her husband died ten years ago and she copes pretty well, but she has shut out all other men from her life.  She isn't ready for a relationship... yet.  We shall see!

Fisk Shadow- Zoe's father!  Ooooh, mysterious!  Actually, I'm just realizing that I can't tell you anything about him because that would ruin the reading experience.  Sorry.  But I will tell you that he's a lot like Zoe.  In many ways.

All right, that's all for now.  Thanks!  May your ice cream be unmeltable.

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