Does anybody have any good, original riddles?  Because Sensei Tezuka (Redthorn's Martial Arts geizer teacher... who is now one of Zoe's three Ninja Masters) likes riddles.  That much I know.  But I'm not the greatest at coming up with riddles for him to say.
Take into consideration that they're not supposed to be funny riddles... they're supposed to be cool and, erm, ninja.  I appreciate any help you can give.  :)
For starters, I need a descriptive riddle which can have multiple answers.  It should be able to apply to any element (fire, earth, air, water) as well as time.  So it's sort of a test to see which answer Zoe will come up with.  It vexes her... I like that word.  Vex.  It has an x in it.  Like... XEPHYR!
I haven't updated the "where I am now" section on the other excerpts page in a while just because I like the bit I put up last week.  It has Xephyr!  Sorry if anyone was waiting for a new one.

7/31/2011 09:09:57 am

Riddles... I'm even worse at making them then solving them... what is always consistent yet never the same?.
gah. Go ask Louis Carrol.

8/2/2011 02:25:31 am

Well, what is always consistent yet never the same? TELL ME! I looked it up but could not find it. Who is Louis Carrol? I feel like I should know. And you will tell me and I'll be like, "True that, Lucy ____!"

8/2/2011 06:49:39 am

The author of Alice in Wonderland? You know, master of all things confusing, riddle-y, and completely mad? :D So go ask him. (except he's dead)
And in answer to that riddle, I;m going to go with math homework.


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