Ha, ha.  There is a mini little book they sell at the counter of Border's sometimes called "A Lovely Love Story".  It's about two dinosaurs and is absolutely adorable.
But the title is actually pertaining to my book (no way!).  If anyone's read the prologue, there were just four characters in it- Carter, Alice, Seamus, and Victor.  Although the prologue happens WAY in the past (the 1930's, while Zoe is in present day), I'm trying to involve them more in the book, in little random chapters that show more about Iridescence and the set-up for Zoe's life.  And one part of that... one BIG part of that... is the story of Seamus coming back after the cave-in.  'Cause he isn't dead.  And neither is the sword, Direction.  Through his lovely love story with Katia LastnameIdk it will be revealed: 1) Where Direction is in Zoe's day, and how she can find it. 2) Who Seamus' descendant is, and the inexplicable power they have.
Yeah.  It makes zero sense.  I know.  But I love a good love story.

2/6/2011 10:21:28 am

Lovely Love Story... that is a sweet name. in the story I'm writing, there's big love thing between her mother and a co-worker.

2/7/2011 02:17:16 am


2/7/2011 07:47:47 am

Hi. Random... but Hi. Have you guys ever heard of PURPLEheart. I laugh every time since that purple is a another word.

2/8/2011 06:18:04 am

Nope Sarah what is it? Yay for love... Jenna knows love ha ha...

2/8/2011 06:52:00 am

Really? Oh... well this morning they just took my childhood (baby-days) away from my fingers... My parents gave them a ton of toys and stuff... They took it all a"way"! It was sad... ANYWHO: You give them stuff they give it to poor people...

2/10/2011 09:31:17 am

jaime plus love? does anyone else find that weird? I think the purple heart is a great society.... I LOVE THE NAME KATIA!!!

7/17/2012 07:25:45 am

whoa, this really is a genuinely good piece of info. I read about something like this before, this is impressively wonderful stuff.


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