CHA!  Here is the crest of the Alchemists!!!  A little rough, I know, but I think it is really cool...
I am also proud of myself for using the scanner.  XD
Their symbol is the moon, and their power is that of wisdom.  The random swirly stuff in the background means nothing, but it looks awesome.  The other agencies I have to make crests for are the Watchmen (cunning/darkness is power... haven't decided yet), Downfall (power is ALL), and Spotlight (____ is power... idk).
Hope you like it!  Comment please.
tubby tub tub
10/1/2010 05:13:09 am

tubby tub tub likes!!!

11/13/2010 07:34:22 am

For Spotlight what about "Fame is Power"... Would that work?


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