I don't really know why I have called this post "hoofaloofa," so... yeah don't ask.  :D
I really need to NOT PROCRASTINATE!!!  It isn't as if I don't have a lot written.  I have almost 70 pages in my notebook.  But every time I think of writing, I always tell myself I don't feel like it just then... I just think I'd have a lot more done by now if I didn't put writing off until bedtime or something.
Anyway, life is good.  Yesterday, the snow was SO FUN for sledding and afterwards we watched Alice in Wonderland, which is a piece of genius if I ever saw one.  So creative... witty, hilarious, and most of all, MAD.  Good for quoting, also.
12/28/2010 05:39:06 am

It was an awesome movie. I believe in 6 impossible things b4 breakfast... BTW, some of ur blog is cut off

12/28/2010 08:32:07 am

That happens to me sometimes. I just ignore it for a little while. After about 3 - 5 days I finally get myself to write and then I'm hooked on writing in it and I'll never stop! I hope you get in the mood to write! :)

12/28/2010 10:03:31 am

I started an observation book! It is also an idea book, I will write anything cool that I want to use for writing or anything else like that...


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