It!  Is!  Christmas!  Eve!  Like, the eve of Christmas!  And it's WONDERFULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!
I love Christmas and everything about it; the happy happy joy joy feeling that is everywhere around you is one of my favorite things... I am a bit melancholy that it will be over in less than 48 hours, so I will ENJOY IT FULLY!
Right now I'm writing a pretty awesome scene where Zoe's come to support Brianna in a dance competition.  It's a really brilliant competition because it's on national TV and it's on a beach at night!  Epic!!!  And this is the part where she discovers that Brianna's dance instructor (he's BRITISH!  OOOOH!) Owen, is up to something big.  She ends up getting freaked out by a tattoo on his elbow and chasing him all around the competition!  Fun!
I know I haven't posted any actual writing in about forever, so I apologize, but I'll try and get some up.  Thanks for reading :D
12/24/2010 01:05:07 am

Hah! I can't wait to read it:). it's kind of ironic the character with my name dances...I did ballet for 3 years but I stink at any other dances!

12/24/2010 03:51:34 am

I'm SOOOOO excited, too!!! I just read the 1st chapter, awesome! My mom wants me to get off the computer so I continue later, can't wait!!!

12/24/2010 10:53:00 pm

Ha, yeah that is ironic! I just realized that your name was the same as hers a few hours before your post! Ballet is really cool. I'm terrible at any dances at all! But I like watching people who are good. In the story, Brianna's the best of the best. Everrr!

12/25/2010 02:36:39 am

Aww, my first post in this website... wow! LOL

Anyway, the story sounds cool, but I'm a little busy - BUT I REALLY WANNA READ IT!

Brianna, really 3 years? Wow... I thought only 2 years of ballet. My sister does Ballet, of course you know that Bri, but Jamie and Jenna don't, well, um, she's been doing it for 11 years I think. She's pretty good! I did ballet for 2-3 years when I was younger. I like tap and Christian hip-hop and some non-Christian hip-hop. Jazz dance maybe... i don't know.


12/25/2010 08:44:31 am

Hey Sarah! Nice to meet you. Well, virtually. I wanna meet you too! Except my name is J-A-I-M-E. Remember that now! :D
Wow that's a lot of dance! I admire you for that! Hip-hop is really cool.
Thanks for visiting the site XD


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