Yay!  My friend Jenna said in a previous comment that she started an observation notebook, just like Zoe has.  A place to record the things you sense... the thoughts running through your head.  I think it's a great thing to do, so I'm gonna start one also.  Haha, as if I don't have enough notebooks alr
Also, in my last post, I was in no mood to write.  Just wanted to say that now I am!!!  I just wrote a lot in a short amount of time; that always feels rewarding.
12/29/2010 12:24:26 am

Yay! An observation notebook!!!!!

12/29/2010 12:42:44 am

Wouldn't that just mean I notebook for your thoughts? Like a diary or journal? It's a cute idea. It's also a good way to get-to-know the person your writing about. :) Good idea


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