Hey all.  There's a new survey on the "home" page of this site... TAKE IT!  I know some of you people (cough cough.  Rachel) have been complaining I don't post anything (and I am sorry for that)... so if you want me to ever post any writing or anything EVER, take the survey!
Yes, Lucy, I do enjoy old mentors and such... old people are just such fun!  For instance, I'm currently reading "Emma" by Jane Austen, and the elderly grandfather in that is hilarious.  Oh, elderly characters.  But I don't feel like writing of them now.  So, ha.
Also, I need help.  I'm currently writing (or, re-writing a second time) the Halloween scene.  And it is bugging me out of my mind to get the PERFECT Halloween costumes for some of the characters (mostly Zoe, but Brianna, Bond, and Kendall, too... I didn't have trouble scrounging something up for more minor characters, but these are so hard).  Any suggestions would be more than welcome.  My brother already gave me some great ones which I may well use but you all know h
3/21/2011 08:59:02 am

Cat, superstar of who kind. I don't know

3/22/2011 08:54:02 am

I'll take the survey... hmm, halloween costumes... dragons, ninjas, vikings (teehee, your costume:D), a star (IDK, just came to my mind), a nerd(some of ur characters already are without halloween), a fairy (lame, I know... but I ran out of ideas)... yeah

3/29/2011 09:34:01 am

phoenix! umm, i had a firend who was a dinner table once. Go as each other? Butter russia the hedgehog?


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