Ha ha sorry; as you can see, I'm just a LITTLE bit excited about that long-acknowledged character, VIVI, who has just now entered my realm of actual writing.  Well... no one knows it's her yet.  She's just a random Alchemist girl who they rescued, and then ran away without a second glance.  They won't recognize her when they meet her the next Monday, either.  But she's THERE!  Cha.  I know Lucy already sent a picture of Vivi, but if anyone wants to do her, please be welcome to.  The contest is STILL ON... mostly 'cuz I don't feel like posting results.  But you've done great.  She has black hair with purple highlights, and is a little bit Asian, very pretty, quirky style... sometimes glasses, sometimes not.  I can't decide.  Her eyes are purple/gold.
Also, I'm going to be done with this 80-page blue notebook I've been on for a while.  There was an orange one, then this blue one... next is green.  SPRING!!!
Hey, and if anyone likes writing (SCRIPTS) then they should go write (A SCRIPT) here.  It's just really cool.  It's related to NanoWrimo, which is a write-a-novel-in-a-month thing I tried (failed, but got a good 10,000 words in), but this one's a write-a-script-in-a-month thing. 
GO CHECK IT OUT: http://ywp.scriptfrenzy.org/
Or die: http://www.death.com/

Ha, ha.  I don't know if anyone actually came on here today, but if you're reading this another day, I changed the whole format of the site for the occasion (ah, what a sweet occasion 'tis)... renamed it Mark Appletoe, the boy who loved science, and changed stuff on the home page.  It cracked me up, if anything.
I HAVE A NEW TITLE/BOOK COVER!  Well... the title was suggested Ye Olde Long Ago by Lucy, so credit to her, but now I actually love it: My Life and Lies.  The series is probably still called Iridescence though.  And my cover has Jenna on it, so ha ha ha sorry I didn't ask Jenna... can I use the pic?  Anyway, I made the cover meself (ha) and so tell me what you think.  It's on the About the Book page.
Also... the CONTEST IS STILL ON!  So please if you haven't, post any character pictures you can find.  Read the last post if you haven't yet.  I found awesome pics of Owen and Ashlinn yesterday... I <3 them...
Have a delovely April the first!
Who can find people pictures for my characters the best?!?!  The results for the survey so far have mostly been for pics and illustrations, though I'll do the other stuff too, and if you haven't taken the survey you can still.  I'm drawing some of them (already I've begun) but I thought it would be interesting to see how others imagine some of my characters, and if they can find a good picture to represent their imagination.
I'll give you a few options.
Zoe Shadow-
This is an obvious one.  For a description, read Chapter One: Waking Up.  Just... yeah.  I'll tell you how I imagine her after some entries.
He doesn't have a last name, yet.  He has a short description in Chapter Two, Black Hole Eyes, if you want to search for it.  But it has nothing to do with his character.  He's way more awesome than just Zoe's random crush... he's a spy for the Watchmen, sent to protect Zoe.
Yeah, well, I keep coming back to this guy for some reason.  I'm posting an excerpt with his description on the "The Dream" page.  So check there.  I'm curious to see how he's imagined, because, yeah.
Last one!
Witt!!!  Evan Witt, Professor Witt, whatever.  The Principal.
His description's in Black Hole Eyes, too.
Okay... GO!  Please E-MAIL any pictures you find OR post the url (web address) for the pic in comments for this post.  Good luck!  Winners will receive a surprise.

Hey all.  There's a new survey on the "home" page of this site... TAKE IT!  I know some of you people (cough cough.  Rachel) have been complaining I don't post anything (and I am sorry for that)... so if you want me to ever post any writing or anything EVER, take the survey!
Yes, Lucy, I do enjoy old mentors and such... old people are just such fun!  For instance, I'm currently reading "Emma" by Jane Austen, and the elderly grandfather in that is hilarious.  Oh, elderly characters.  But I don't feel like writing of them now.  So, ha.
Also, I need help.  I'm currently writing (or, re-writing a second time) the Halloween scene.  And it is bugging me out of my mind to get the PERFECT Halloween costumes for some of the characters (mostly Zoe, but Brianna, Bond, and Kendall, too... I didn't have trouble scrounging something up for more minor characters, but these are so hard).  Any suggestions would be more than welcome.  My brother already gave me some great ones which I may well use but you all know h
Haha nice title right?
Anyway.  Sorry for not updating in roughly a million years (that's an approximation, mind you).  But here I am!  I've written a ton lately... the plot is really speeding along... the title comes in because I'm at the part where, after an epic kind-of-battle with ninjas, four of my characters unite to make a pretty cool force.  Generally, the trio in this would be Zoe (duh), Brianna, and Bond, but now there is Kendall also.  He made an appearance in Chapter 2.  In a little bit there will also be Genevieve/Vivi, who is a COOL CAT.  Those are probably the main YOUNG characters.  Although I do have a lot.
I have a little poll to take, I'm gonna try to figure out how to get it on here so keep an eye out.  Thanks!
Hey.  I finished reading my whole so-far-book on Wednesday; it was really pleasing and satisfying to do and I'm glad I did it.  I was surprised at how good some parts were, and how terrible some others were, but all in all it just made it seem more like a book to me.  :)
So I'm back to writing, and I think I am going to have to delve into the whole "Research" thing a bit more now (GASP!).  Since I'm dealing with a bunch of stuff that's supposed to go back "in history" I should probably know a bit more about the "history" of certain things... alchemists, ninjas, a bit on spies, too.  Also, the setting of the book is California, which I know nothing about.  I don't want to get anything wrong there either.  Darned research.  But it helps that I have to do my whole ninja project poster board for school; that should give me the kick in the arse (haha... inside joke) I need.
Hello.  This post is to say that I am about to do something I've been wanting to for some time: read all I've written, start to finish.  I guess it's about 120 handwritten pages... I'm not sure how many real book pages or Microsoft Word pages.  I never really found the time... I'm fairly busy... and today it was weird, I didn't know what to do with myself after school after my homework was done by 3:45.  All my outlets were cut off... the basement has fumes from fixing the oil, so I can't do any of the things I do down there... Jenna, you weren't home... I couldn't think of anything... I did some advance homework and went on a long walk with my dog, Zoe.  (ha ha... Zoe)  So now I'm gonna do it.  Isn't it funny how we procrastinate SO much about things that are actually important?  I think this'll help me get a better grip on the big picture of it all, and a chance to step back from i
Ha, ha.  There is a mini little book they sell at the counter of Border's sometimes called "A Lovely Love Story".  It's about two dinosaurs and is absolutely adorable.
But the title is actually pertaining to my book (no way!).  If anyone's read the prologue, there were just four characters in it- Carter, Alice, Seamus, and Victor.  Although the prologue happens WAY in the past (the 1930's, while Zoe is in present day), I'm trying to involve them more in the book, in little random chapters that show more about Iridescence and the set-up for Zoe's life.  And one part of that... one BIG part of that... is the story of Seamus coming back after the cave-in.  'Cause he isn't dead.  And neither is the sword, Direction.  Through his lovely love story with Katia LastnameIdk it will be revealed: 1) Where Direction is in Zoe's day, and how she can find it. 2) Who Seamus' descendant is, and the inexplicable power they have.
Yeah.  It makes zero sense.  I know.  But I love a good love story.

Sometimes you are just so inspired.  Oddly enough, that happened today in science.  I think I was so bored that I forced myself into inspiration.
I was just sitting there, watching powerpoint project after powerpoint project, when I saw the name "Axel."  And it hit me.  Axel Shadow.  Axel Shadow, that's the perfect name for the guy in the contest!  Sorry guys but that is the right name for him.  Your suggestions were good too... come to think of it, Axel is pretty close to Sarah's suggestion I think?
So I was just sitting there again... and I notice that the same guy, Sir Humphry Davy, keeps showing up over and over again.  It seems he was some famous chemist who discovered A BUNCH of stuff.  And so chemist... chemist plus al... alchemist.  The leader of the alchemists.  I've been searching for a name for the leader of the alchemists forever and now I know it!  It's gonna be that guy!  I'm trying to work real history into the book a little bit, so it's legit. :D  Too legit to quit!
Anyway I was so inspired and I just wanted to do a happy dance but I didn't.  I just wrote!  Ha ha.

What's a book without a few good love connections?
Well... still a book, actually.  But a much less interesting one all the same.
In my story there are some pretty good ones, I think.  For now I'm gonna discuss just a few.
Zoe + Kendall
Okay, so Zoe's not just a normal girl, but technically she is still a girl (yeah... moving on) and so naturally she has some feelings for someone to begin with.  Oh, she is enamored by Kendall.  A lot.  Not just because he's good looking and plays his electric guitar in the courtyard, but also because she feels a connection to him in this way: they both notice things about people on a level far above anyone else.  This is actually because Kendall is an agent for the Watchmen and he has been trained in their ways, but Zoe has no idea about that.  She's beginning to think he actually feels the same for her when she discovers that he was just on assignment to protect her... or was he?

Ashlinn + Owen
Haha, this ship (short for relationship) cracks me up and I don't know why.  Probably because I spent FOREVER thinking that Owen was gonna end up with Zoe's mom, and then Lucy suggested that he end up with the au pair (Ashlinn) and I was like TRUE THAT LUCY INSERTLASTNAMEHERE!  Ha ha inside jokes are fun.
Anyway... Ashlinn thinks Owen is ridiculously handsome from the first time she sees him, and she disguises it pretty well- only Zoe notices.  That's all I got so far on them.  Eventually they love each other and, metaphorically, adopt Zoe, since they spend more time with her than her real parents do.  And they can tour Europe!  'Cause he's British and she's Irish.  Ha ha not really.
I'm still taking names for the contest :